Saudization and the Need for a Dedicated Call Centre Companies in Saudi Arabia

In February of this year, Sulaiman Al-Rajhi, Minister for Human Resource and Social Development Ministry, announced restrictions on outsourcing customer care services. It has been a landmark decision and hinges on the grand project envisioned by the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman. His Vision 2030 aims to diversify the economy of the Saudi region by generating employment opportunities for the youth. 

The new directives, to be implemented by the ministry, lay emphasis to manage customer care services in the KSA which include phone calls, emails, online chats and social media interaction services.  Outsourcing Customer care service  is not a different phenomenon. Most of the businesses follow the module to outsource their customer care services. Countries like US, UK, India, Philippines, Pakistan and several Arab countries are a hotbed of Customer Care Outsourcing services.

Since the pandemic, the world has been a witness to the downfall of global economies. KSA, which is an Oil-based business zone, has also suffered an economic crisis. With unemployment rates skyrocketing at a 15.4 percent high in February 2021, it has become necessary to stabilize the staggering economy in the region. 

With Saudization, also called the Saudi Nationalization Scheme- it is mandatory to absorb a certain percentage of Saudi Nationals as a workforce in businesses and enterprises. The goal is to reduce the unemployment crisis in the kingdom. The first step in this direction would be to establish their own Saudi Customer Support. The aim of the Saudization of customer care service , according to the ministry, is to reserve remote customer service-based jobs for Saudi nationals. With the Kingdom now trying to be independent of its Oil-based economy, Call Centers in KSA would be an income-generating industry and help create jobs in private sector enterprises for the unemployed youth.

What would be the importance of a Saudi Local Call Center with this new implementation?

Though employment generation is one of the benefits of this setup. There are other advantages as well offered by setting up of these Call Centres with Saudi Arabian Staff. Some of  them are as follows:- 

  1. Local, well-trained professionals are aware of the intricacies of business in their homeland. They are well versed with the culture, languages, and dialects of the area. They also have an in-depth knowledge of their native customs and traditions. It gives them an edge over the overseas workforce. Thus, they are better able to engage with the  customers of same Saudi origins.

  1. With Call Centers in KSA, the workforce would be able to cater to customers living in the same time zone. It would be efficient for customer care agents since they would be willing to take the calls with quick consideration. 

  1. Customer satisfaction is of utmost priority to any business. And when that goal pairs with dedicated call center agents, then half the battle is one. With Arabians on the forefront of Saudi Customer Support, they can manage issues specific to the place. If the customers encounter any problem, the local KSA Customer Support can reach them and solve their issues in a time-bound manner. 

How LiveSalesman’s KSA Customer Support with a Hybrid Model serves your customer care needs?

The preferred language in Saudi Arabia is Arabic. There is less emphasis on English and other languages. Businesses negotiate in this language only. Companies like Nokia and Blackberry have established their base with the help of Arabic language support in the region. Thus, language is a deciding factor for any business in this region. With the announcement of the setting up of Saudi Local Call Centers, it becomes mandatory to engage the regional population.

At LiveSalesman, we work with some of the elite brands from the Middle East who have an elaborate customer base in Saudi Arabia as well. To make sure that they abide by the law of Saudization of customer support, we now have a KSA Call Center with 100% localised Saudi Call Center Agents. A dedicated support team to cater to their specific niche business is our specialty.

The establishment of these Call Centers in KSA eliminate for our clients, the  need to establish and manage their own in-house call centers in the region.  It also takes away the hassle of moving to another KSA based call center. Either ways, it helps our clients to carry their business with ease without worrying about the customer support.

Labor Laws in KSA are complex and any organization in need of a Saudi Customer Support needs a professional management for the same. In this regard, our clients have nothing to  worry about. We have a dedicated  team of expat managers with global experience. KSA is an expat haven with 12.6 million expats currently residing there: our team thus comprises of professional expats with years of knowledge and understanding of the Saudi region. They are adept in managing Saudi Customer Support team offering 100% work efficiency and a superior customer care services. 

Our Call Center in Saudi Arabia has team of Saudi natives meticulously chosen from a local talent pool. These agents are erudite in Arabian culture. They help to enhance your business towards the target audience with their linguistic and cultural affinity. Customer support is the key to business in Saudi Arabia. A call or a chat with an executive who can speak their language provides them assurance and security. And our team is exceptional in providing native language support to cater to the needs of the Arabs. With a firm grasp of the English language- written and spoken, they also provide bilingual support with English to our clients. 

All our Saudi Customer Support executives have studied Arabic in schools. They have an in-depth understanding of the nuances of the Arabic language like words, expressions, and intonation. They are well versed in both the formal and the modern Arabic language. They understand the dialectal differences present in their native language and therefore engage with the customers according to their language preferences. 

Moreover, at LiveSalesman, we make sure to provide an extensive training program to our  Call center workforce. For superior outcome, it is impendent upon us to train the staff in order to better meet our clients’ needs. We provide a Hybrid training model to our hires. It is an amalgamation of self-learning and trainer-assisted module in ratio of 75: 25 % respectively. This blended program consists of training videos and E-resources like documents and software modules for the recruited agents.  The training content is effective in imparting knowledge for an extended period of time. Rest of the training is assisted by seasoned experts who impart  their knowledge to the call center trainees. This hybrid training program makes the onboarding of the customer care agents a streamlined process. 


A blended approach in training has its own perks. It saves the long-term training costs for the company. It is especially useful during the times of seasonal spikes  or when attrition rates reach a sudden high.

While there are multiple benefits of Saudi Local call Centers as described above, the biggest concern for our clients is the escalation in costs that entails with these centers. 

The apprehensions of our clients are well founded, but at LiveSalesman we provide a Hybrid Customer care model that turns out to be cost effective. All the customer touchpoints such as phone, email and chat interactions are handled by Saudi Customer Support agents in KSA. Whereas, our offshore teams handle Backoffice tasks like escalation management and follow ups with internal teams. In this symbiotic relationship, we are able to help our clients save significant amount of capital while still managing the services according to the Saudization law.

Our Hybrid model of Customer Care support comes handy especially during important periods like Ramadhan. Saudi laws lay emphasis on reduced work hours during the Holy month of Ramadhan but without any impact on the pay-outs. This month is also a peak shopping season for most businesses. And we, at LiveSalesman help manage the customer services during these conspicuous times with our unique Hybrid Customer Care solution.

Another feature of our KSA Customer Support is the Automated Services. We help our clients with an automated support system wherever human intervention is not necessarily needed. This process helps our customer service outsourcing team to channelize their time and efforts in delivering superior customer experience and generate steady revenue for your business. .


Our pricing plans for Saudi Customer Care support are quite flexible. We believe in understanding the client requirements thoroughly and then only work out a well-planned pricing model. Instead of imposing one price-plan structure on all, this model offers a mutual benefit for both parties.

With us, you can start as small as you need to, scale up fast when you grow or scale down during low periods. We do not bind you in irrevocable contractual obligations or impose heavy penalties. It is because our clients are our long-term partners, and not projects that we want to maximize for our short term gains.

Our objective at LiveSalesman is to bring positive changes in Customer Care services. We bring changes that not only enhance the customer experience but also make the task more cost and time-efficient for our esteemed clients.

At LiveSalesman, your Customer Service needs are borne with utmost priority. With Native and Multilingual Customer Care, and 24/7 Live chat support, we are steadfast in addressing your brands customer service concerns.


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